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Sequence Band's first visit to the Syrup Stage

Events such as our Open Mic Night have always been a window into impressive hidden talents. When asked about artists, our team never has to look too far and some names are just a natural instinct to recommend whether they were regulars or first timers.

And this time, it was through this way that we were able to discover a gem like Sequence band. Their lead singers, Seza and Mugtaba, gave us an unforgettable performance during one of our Open Mic Nights.

Following their performance, we jumped at the opportunity of giving them an Artist Night and introducing them to our crowd and community. Their show was a mix of Reggae, Blues, R&B, and Pop covers flavored and made special with the band’s skilled playing and the harmony of their singers. We enjoyed every moment of that night and wish them the best of luck on their musical career.

By Naya Ahmed

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